Blog, Teachings & Resources
When You Freeze Under the Spotlight and All Eyes are Upon You
Aug 24, 2022
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I walked onto the stage with my body vibrating with fear.
Bright spotlights on me, I could barely see the audience.
I sat down at the huge, shiny black Bosendorpher grand piano.
Took a long, deep breath.
I was shaking.
I was about to play the first song from my then new solo piano album,...
E026 - Listen to Ambient Music – Release Anxiety and feel Grounded
Aug 17, 2020
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Welcome to you, to here to this channel, to this moment, to this exact moment, as we begin, let's just get feet on the ground, really feeling the lower halves of our bodies. Today, we are gonna talk about one of the greatest hacks for shifting the state of one's nervous system and getting out of...