Blog, Teachings & Resources


068 - Stressed in a Group Setting: Use Tapping to Feel Better communication self-regulation tapping trauma patterns Jun 28, 2024

What do we do when we are triggered (or even trauma) arises in a group setting?

Say you're at work, and someone does something that's triggering: you start to go into a freeze or you start to head towards rage and explode… Whatever this reaction pattern is, it’s not optimal.

You can...

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E066 - Slowing down and being more real authenticity communication heart social media May 24, 2024

In this episode I share tools to help you act naturally on camera: how to drop the mask and show up as yourself. We’ll explore some steps and learn how to feel okay when pressing record, knowing that you're going to be on the internet.

I'll also share a bit of my personal journey and some...

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E064 - Social Media and Personal Growth communication safety social media vocal liberation Apr 28, 2024

Given my focus on voices, self-expression, and communication, I am fascinated by what happens when we post on social media! Some of my own responses have included avoidance, embarrassment, wanting to take posts down, feeling like I am too much, judging how I look, feeling like a fraud—and...

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E062 - Social Media as a Teacher authenticity communication social media Feb 08, 2024

How do you feel about showing up on social media and writing posts? And most importantly, what happens inside you when you post, or when you even think about posting?

Watch this video or read the post below to learn what social media can teach us about our confidence, about...

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E061 - The Anti New Year Resolutions authenticity communication freedom humanity vocal liberation Jan 25, 2024

It's early 2024, and some of us have chosen words for the year or set up New Year's resolutions. So how's that going? Is your year unfolding the way you wished? You may have set some lofty goals—hopes for a better life, a more easeful life or anything else.

I think it's great to be...

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E060 – The Festive Season Survival Playbook boundaries communication healthy boundaries heart self-regulation tapping Dec 21, 2023

This blog is about surviving and thriving in the festive season—at family events, at parties, barbecues or braais or whatever you call them in your country. They could also be work events and mixers and other social and potentially stressful events.

I'll share five tips...

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E059 - Polyvagal Theory and Communication communication fawn self-regulation trauma patterns vocal liberation Nov 30, 2023

In this blog post I discuss polyvagal theory for voice, for communication, and for speaking.

“Polly who?” you may be thinking.

Read on below or watch the video to learn about polyvagal theory and how it can help you improve your communication and public speaking.

Polyvagal theory...

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E058 - Where Are You Speaking From? authenticity boundaries communication healthy boundaries Nov 16, 2023

Hello there,

We speak all day, with family members or co-workers or friends or even the Internet.

But we don't often ask ourselves, "Where am I speaking from?" We just kind of let the words come out and see what happens.

Perhaps we breathe a little bit or compose ourselves before, but for the...

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E057 - Make Friends with the Microphone communication microphones Oct 26, 2023

How do you feel about using microphones? Whether it's public speaking, recording video, or just having to do a speech, a lot of people are intimidated. 

Or maybe you just want to produce quality content but are not sure what to do about microphones when shooting video, or you want to do...

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E056 - The Problem with Over-Speaking and Rambling communication making space over-speaking over-talking waking up Oct 12, 2023

Hello there, glorious human

In this post I explore over-speaking, talking too much, rambling, and losing your way. Read on or watch the video below.


You might talk about one thing, and then suddenly you're talking about another, and then talking about another, and you have no idea how you...

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E055 - How to Communicate When All You Really Want to Do Is Shut Down communication self-regulation transform your voice trauma patterns Sep 28, 2023

Sometimes when you need to express yourself in a meeting or an important one-on-one, do you find yourself freezing, shutting down, the words just not wanting to come out? I know firsthand that this can be incredibly painful, because I've had a bunch of this in my own life.

Watch the video or...

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E054 – Speaking too quickly communication self-regulation tapping Sep 14, 2023


Doyoufindyourselfspeakingtoofastsometimes? Likegettingallthewordsoutreallyquicklyandjustneedingtogetthemalloutatonce?

Ok… let's just slow down for a second. Do you find yourself speaking too quickly sometimes, the words just tumbling out in a rush? You're not necessarily as...

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