Blog, Teachings & Resources


E018 - The Verbal Defence Pattern of Fight (part 1) narcissism trauma vocal liberation Jun 15, 2020

So you're in the kitchen with a significant other and they're talking about something and they're being really irritating. They're saying stuff that's really triggering you and there's this heat in your belly and you’re holding on to it, you're holding on to it and then it starts to build...

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E017 - Fawn and the Defense Pattern of Being Extremely Nice boundaries communication fawn healthy boundaries trauma trauma patterns vocal liberation May 29, 2020

Well hello, how are you? I’m great, thank you—really well. Everything’s great! I’m fine... Or at least I'm pretending to be fine!  

Welcome to this week'sblog, about the trauma pattern of “fawn” and being too darned nice (or just a little bit passive...

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E016 - Releasing Shame and Healing Social Engagement trauma vocal liberation May 15, 2020

Shame and healing social engagement. What a topic, one that is close to my heart and well known to my innards, my gut, my nervous system. How about you?

Enjoy the video, or read the blog below

Shame is a complex emotion with a simple definition.  One definition is that it’s “a...

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E015 - The under-appreciated art of listening vocal liberation May 08, 2020

Well, hey there. Great to see you here. Welcome to this blog and today we're going to be investigating the art of listening. In other words, how to really hear people, and let them feel heard. I know this is a place where I could really improve, I’m on a journey with this too, so...

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E014 - The rather unpleasant consequences of keeping your mouth shut authenticity boundaries vocal liberation May 01, 2020

Hey, how are you? So, this blog is titled “The consequences of keeping your mouth shut”. And this is going to be an exploration into the world of “vocal shut down” - especially in relationships, and what happens when we stop saying how we feel. I will say from the...

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E013 - How vocal liberation can support you to create deeper authenticity and healthier boundaries authenticity healthy boundaries vocal liberation Apr 24, 2020

Well, hey there. Great to see you. This week's episode explores how vocal liberation can support you to create deeper authenticity and healthier boundaries. 

Watch the episode or read the transcript below:

Thank you for joining me here in my studio. So, today I'm going to be talking about...

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E012 - Boost Your Voice Online - Unblock Your Throat Chakra radiant voices Apr 17, 2020

Hello dear friend. 

It’s great to be sharing with you again and in this episode we're going to investigate how a blocked Throat Chakra affects you in the online world, or how it could prevent you from having an effective and fun online presence. 

Watch the video or read the...

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E011 - How to untame your heart and free your throat chakra Apr 10, 2020

Hello Love

In this episode, we are going to investigate how your throat chakra got domesticated, and what you can do to get your howl back. Watch the video or read the transcript below:


So once upon a time, as a little person you howled with the wolves. (wolf howls) You cried when you...

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E010 - How to unblock your throat chakra radiant voices Apr 04, 2020

Hello, friend 

In today's episode we're going to be investigating the throat chakra, and more specifically, about how it is that one can go from having an open, clear beautiful voice as a young person, as a little child or baby, into emerging as an adult with blocks and the inability...

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E009 - How to choose a healer, therapist or teacher Mar 28, 2020

Hello there

So in today's episode we are going to be looking at how to choose a healer therapist or teacher. Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

I’m going to be talking specifically how to heal and thrive in the most direct way while avoiding the potential...

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E008 - How to sing in tune reliably, for the rest of your life jeremy de tolly radiant voices transform your voice vocal liberation Feb 21, 2020

Hello friends

Welcome to another episode. In this episode I'll be delving deep into one very simple thing and that is how to sing in tune for the rest of your life, reliably.

Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

So that's quite a big promise but I feel confident that in...

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E007 - Releasing voices and healing blocks jeremy de tolly radiant voices transform your voice vocal liberation Feb 14, 2020

Hey Lovely Folk

So this is going to be another episode of unplanned, unscripted communication.

Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

As you can see I'm sitting on a tropical island, it’s been raining a little bit, kind of windy and here we are.

I wanted to share with...

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